Sunday, November 05, 2023

NaBloPoMo Day 5: Run

The clocks fell back today, in that annoying twice-yearly time switch ritual. I am with the majority of Americans who would like to end this whole business of switching clocks. The problem is that people cannot agree on which to make permanent- standard time or daylight savings time. Most politicians favor daylight savings time because it is better for the economy- more daylight in the evenings gets people out and spending money. Most doctors and scientists favor standard time because early morning sun is best for our health. So, in the end the debate flares up twice a year and dies down, nothing get done, and the clocks continue to spring forward and fall back. 

I started the day at 3:30 AM (waking up at what felt like 4:30 AM to me but was 3:30 AM due to the time switch) and went for a run with my friend K at 7 AM. We run together most Sunday mornings, jogging and chatting, and it is always a highlight of my week. She's a much better and more experienced runner than me but is very gracious about going at my pace, taking walking breaks whenever I need to. We ran 4 miles today on paved trails that run through our town, and had some excitement mixed with apprehension when we spotted a coyote! We are lucky to live in a town with an ever-expanding network of trails, and parks bursting with greenery, and weather that supports running year-round.

A glorious tree spotted on a run

Running was one of my goals for 2023 and I've been more consistent with running this year than in the past. My runs are short and slow. I am literally the slowest runner I know. But as long as I'm getting out there and trying, I will call it a success. A couple of weeks ago, this article in the NY Times (the link is a gift article so you can read it in its entirety if you like) made me so happy because it describes research that suggests that the benefits of running are at the front end- even short runs can be very beneficial.

I try to get out 3 times a week and run 2-4 miles each time, on paved or unpaved trails, or on streets. My favorite runs are my Sunday runs with my running buddy K and her pup. I am full of energy on some runs and on other runs, my legs feel like they are made of lead. It is just one of those fun mid-life things where I rarely feel my age- some days I feel like I'm 20 and others I feel like I'm 80! I'm going for process, not product, so while I do look at my data (pace, heart rate, etc.) for my runs, I honestly am just happy to lace up the shoes and get out there. 

I've run three 5K races so far this year and hopefully there will be a couple more before the year is out. My big goal is to run the Peachtree 10K in Atlanta on July 4, 2024, for a few reasons. My running buddy runs it every year and I'd love to do that with her; it gives me something aspirational to work towards. It is also the largest 10K in the world, with over 60,000 participants, and just once, I would like to be part of an iconic race like that. And finally, where a marathon feels impossible, a 10K seems doable. The hard thing is that it is held every fourth of July (peak summer) in Atlanta (peak South) so it must feel like running in warm soup. I have 34 weeks to train!

Coming up tomorrow: Fruit. And cake. 


  1. How lovely! All the best for your big run 🏃‍♀️ !!

  2. That’s so inspiring. Good luck with the race!

  3. I can do relate to this. I joined a local women’s running group and we did a one hour run where we only covered 3 miles! Haha. It was more of walking and chatting with bursts of running, but I loved the camaraderie. Unfortunately, I had to stop as it’s so hectic to balance my evening schedule with my 7yo’s activities, so I’m back to my treadmill for now. I like your idea of finding a running buddy, maybe I should look for one!

    1. Your running group sounds like a lot of fun! I too find it difficult to do evening runs, and that's when many of the groups get together. There's a slow girl running group in town apparently; I should look them up. The recent rise of slow running groups is nice for runners like me.


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