Sunday, February 02, 2025

20 Years of One Hot Stove

20 rambling thoughts on 20 years of blogging--

  1. Time: In the winter of 2005, I was a graduate student in NYC, and had newly discovered some of the early food blogs. It was fun to read them. On a dreary Thursday evening, Feb 3, 2005, I made a free account on Blogger and wrote a tentative post on a blog that I named One Hot Stove on a complete whim. I had no plan to blog for 20 months, let alone 20 years! I can't wrap my head around the fact that two decades have passed since that day, and the blog is still active. It gives me a strange feeling. It is the same feeling that I had when my toddler son once asked me if dinosaurs were around when I was a child. 

  2. Creating: I've taken long and short breaks from this blog, but so far, I keep coming back. A big reason is that it makes me a content creator and not just a content consumer. Even as I consume books, blogs, TV, podcasts and media of all types, I get to process it and produce some content of my own, and that is deeply satisfying. Creating content also makes me a more thoughtful consumer as I realize how easy it is to be a consumer and a critic than to be a creator of any sort. 

  3. Tally: Looking back, I'm proud and amazed to see that I've churned out hundreds of original posts. This is my post number 808 on this blog. It has added up to quite a substantial body of work. 

  4. Vulnerability: It takes some vulnerability (or maybe courage or imprudence- call it what you will) to put your innermost thoughts out here on the Internet. Some of it will resonate with readers while some will turn them off or leave them indifferent. You have to be somewhat thick-skinned about the whole thing. I never delete posts and rarely get around to even updating them with better pictures/ correcting grammar/ deleting old links. Everything- good, bad, boring, ridiculous- is here for all to see. For better or worse, it is what it is. 

  5. Winners: I never look at blog stats, how many views I'm getting, or how many comments I'm logging. I never use SEO keywords or any of that. This is truly a hobby blog. But, for the purposes of this post, I did look up the all-time top 3 posts and they are all from the first few years (apparently, I peaked early.) The bronze medal goes to On Freezing Indian Food (2011), the silver medal goes to A to Z of Marathi food (2006), and...drumroll...the gold medal goes to Pav bhaji recipe (2005). 

  6. Hype: Cooking is a big and necessary part of my life. Preparing family meals and everything that goes with it- grocery shopping, meal planning, kitchen management- is an endless, relentless, time-consuming job. The blog hypes me up to try new things and record what I'm making. It turns a daily chore into a fun project of sorts. 

  7. Features: What started as a food blog has increasingly morphed into something much broader in scope as my life and interests changed. Books, crafting, parenting, fitness- many things in my life are represented here. The blog fits my unofficial life motto: "Get excited and do stuff." Just as important is what's not on here. For instance, I realized early on that I don't really care about food photography or recording recipes step by step. Photos are added here and there for illustration. 

  8. Stamina. Writing posts for decades has helped me to be comfortable with the dreaded writer's block and to work around it. The discipline that it takes to put something down, no matter how terrible the first draft, has helped me in other areas of life, including the technical/scientific writing that I do quite often in my professional life. I am not afraid of a blank page or a blank screen. Blogging builds writing muscles.

  9. Flow: On the other end of the spectrum, sometimes I sit down to write a post and the words just tumble out effortlessly. It is that "flow state" of being completely absorbed in a task- rare and special. Occasionally, I'll read one of my old posts and think- did I really write this? LOL

  10. Diary: Yes, I do read old blog posts now and then. Usually, it is when I search the blog for some recipe that I've made before. But this blog is more than my online recipe diary. It is very much a diary of my life and is full of memories and slice-of-life glimpses of some of my most precious years- what I think will be the "good old days". 

  11. Projects: I would love to turn some of my blog projects into book projects, whether that's proper published books, self-published e-books, or just a manuscript that I write using R markdown. Three of my favorite projects have been the A-Z of Marathi Food, the A-Z of Indian Vegetables, and my ongoing Moments of Fitness. Right now, time is my biggest challenge in bringing this dream to life as I work full-time and have school-aged kids. I was also working through the United Tastes project- cooking dishes from all 50 states- on Instagram, abandoned it halfway, and would love to finish it sometime. 

  12. Escape: In my posts, I try not to comment much on news and world events, other than what's happening in my little life. There is so much suffering, tragedy, injustice, chaos in this world. In real life, the news usually has me somewhere between bewildered and devastated. But I save my hand-wringing and editorializing for my long-suffering spouse and friends. This blog is my escape- a mundane, cozy, dream world full of domestic simplicity and the excitement of stacks of books to read and new recipes to try. “Life is deep and simple, and what our society gives us is shallow and complicated.” - Fred Rogers

  13. Comfort: Recently, a few readers have shared that this is their comfort blog and it moves me deeply to know this. I am glad to host a space of comfort in a world of hard edges. As it is, I don't fit into this world of wanting more and more, of ruthlessness and winning and disruption and being a boss lady, whatever that is. None of it resonates with me at all. I'm happy to carve out this quiet corner of the Internet to just be

  14. Words: Long form blogging is the only think I've stuck with. Over the years, I've tried some other forms of content sharing like the photo-centric Instagram but it did not endure. I never did get into micro-blogging or podcasting or video blogging. Trends have changed completely, several times over in 20 years but I like words more than images and audio and I'm happy to stay right here. 

  15. History: The early years of blogging were magical as I was part of a big and vibrant global community. I got to see food blogging from almost the start and through its heyday. Food blogging democratized the voices of home cooks everywhere. I learned so much about regional cooking, food from all over the world, family recipes, the many talents beyond just cooking and baking- like writing, photography, food styling- that lurk in ordinary homes. We would do these challenges and it stretched my skills beyond anything I could have done on my own. Occasionally, I run across a sentiment online about food blogs that is along the lines of- "I don't need your life story. Shut up and give me the recipe". It is a sad and ungracious response to the generosity of food bloggers, and let me tell you that food bloggers (I know so many of them) are some of the most generous people you will meet anywhere, online or in real life. 

  16. Journey: Many bloggers from those early days took their blogs to the next level, monetizing them and leveraging them into successful careers. They are now food personalities, cookbook authors, professional bloggers. I did...nothing. Part of it was a lack of interest for doing so, and part of it was the fact that I was on visas at the time that precluded any other sources of income. There are pros and cons to everything. On rare occasions, it feels like a missed opportunity. But mostly, it feels really good to keep writing whatever I like without any external pressures, to keep cooking and baking as "real hobbies" and to keep this space simple and unfussy and low-maintenance. 

  17. Gain: I've never made a penny off my blog. I've gotten free cookbooks to review, and once, a few spice extracts, but it has always been, by design, an ad-free zone. In terms of non-tangible things I've gotten from the blog, including inside knowledge and friends from all over the world and a working knowledge of html, I am very rich indeed. The blog adds meaning and purpose to my life. 

  18. Values: The blog fits my core values well. The biggest one is lifelong learning- the blog gives me a venue to share and record tidbits of what I've learned.  A second one is service- I love being useful and providing something, whether it is a good recipe or pointing out some good media. A third is well-being- I get to promote wholesome food and an active, purposeful life that I strive towards.

  19. Connection: One Hot Stove has been an enduring way for me to connect with people around the globe. The comments were and are a big part of the blog. On many posts, you'll find the best nuggets of wisdom in the comment section. For my part, I read and respond to every comment and email. When people tell me that they make one of my recipes or that they read and loved a book I recommended, I am amazed and grateful to have touched their lives in a small way. "I am a part of all that I have met"- Tennyson.

  20. Reciprocity: I've always maintained that I write the blog for myself, but there's no doubt that it is kept alive by the wonderful people who stop by and read it. To YOU, gentle reader- whoever you are, wherever you are- I send you my love and gratitude. ❤️ These lines of poetry that I read recently capture this feeling perfectly, that being creative is a social process--

    You make the thing because you love the thing
    and you love the thing because someone else loved it
    enough to make you love it.

    ~ from An Horatian Notion by Thomas Lux (read the whole poem here)

If you feel like it, drop me a comment below. Tell me something, anything- your favorite recipe on this blog, your favorite feature, how long you've read OHS, what you'd like to read more of, share something about yourself, or a favorite book/poem/song that you think I would like. 


  1. Congratulations on completing 20 years! I am a regular visitor since early 2007. Your blog is a place of comfort and nostalgia for me. 💕 Priya

    1. Thanks, Priya, for hanging in there with me all these years! The nostalgia does get so strong with food blogging- food and memories tend to be inextricably linked.

  2. Congratulations on 20 years of blogging! My favorite recipe here, which I think is also the one that drew me here, is the one for pav bhaji. Very rarely do I read something and think about the sort of person the writer might be. But the generosity that underlies everything you put on this blog and your descriptions of everyday life comes through very clearly. We’ve never met but I’ve always been struck by what a good person you are. Thank you for the writing, the recipes, and the inspiration!

    1. Thank you! The pav bhaji recipe has been such a draw- and it remains my husband's favorite dish and one that our friends enjoy eating.

      Your note made me tear up- I don't know about being a good person; one can only try. I do know that life has been very generous with me.

  3. Hi Nupur,

Great thoughts as usual! When I'm feeling down, I turn to your blog. Your wise perspective always lifts my spirits. I wish I knew you in real life. Your constant growth inspires me. And your recipes? They're simple and foolproof! Thank you for everything. Here's to many more decades!


    1. Shalini! Hello! Thank you for this sweet note. Glad you like the recipes- they're simple for sure, I cut down steps ruthlessly LOL

  4. Congratulations Nupur (my namesake) I have been reading your blog since 2007 and I keep coming back.. You taught me to make Daal Makhani and Sabut Daana Khichdi. I also take inspiration from your Mexican recipes.. there was a recipe of yours which i cant seem to find now - Mexican Rice Casserole.. I just love the way you write and which back in 2007 when I was still not a pro cook made it so easy and simple to follow for me. Nupur you have played a major role in making me a confident cook in these 20 years.
    There was a year when you did not blog at all, I must have come back numerous times to check if you have posted anything. It was a sigh of big relief when you did!.
    There must have been several occasions when I wanted to send you a message over email or here but never got around to it. But today I think it should be done and you should be made aware how deeply your blog has touched my life.
    I live in London with my family, if you ever come this side of the pond, please do drop me a message.. will be my honour to host you.

    1. Hello, namesake! The blog has made me a more confident cook over the years too- it has kept me trying new things and tinkering in the kitchen. Never a dull moment when all successes and failures can make for a good story on the blog ;) Thanks for taking the time to write a note- I appreciate it so much.

      We were lucky enough to visit London in 2022 and I fell in love with the city. I'd love to visit again. I'm you love living there- such a cool place in so many ways.

  5. I've been reading your blog for over a decade now. There is something to be said about longevity on the internet. I cannot put it into words but it is comforting to find a place on the internet that you have visited since a LONG time and it continues to exist and thrive. Here's to the next 20!

    1. Cheers to the next however many! Isn't it funny to be a dinosaur on the Internet?! I wonder how long Blogger will be up- I haven't even bothered to get my own domain. The future should be seems like the world is changing at wrap speed.

  6. Lovely 20-year post ❤️ my most favorite post is the Thanksgiving live one. I didn’t read it “live” but it is so amazing to read you go through your Thanksgiving cooking day in real time. Your pav bhaji post is epic. I share it with everyone who asks me to explain pav bhaji to them 😂 looking forward to continue reading your lovely blog. Lots of love

    1. Sujata- Thank you and much love to you! The live Thanksgiving blog was an experimental post and such a fun one to write. What a fun time we had cooking and eating together, my bff and I. She now lives very far away.

  7. Congratulations on 20!! Been reading the blog since my freshman college days in 2006 and still avidly read every post as mom of 1 with another on the way. As for others your style is just so comforting and each post is like a hug (I've binge read this blog through life challenges such as miscarriage and job loss). Thank you SO much for your perseverance. Please know it makes a huge difference to us out there who need a little pick me up as we struggle through life.

    1. Thank you! Good luck with your baby on the way- I wish you a wonderful and uneventful pregnancy! Your comment made me tear up. Some good does come out of social media!

  8. Congratulations Nupur! I’ve been a reader since the early days. I remember your Marathi A to Z series well. The recipe that I continue to make from your blog is the Green Bean Casserole. I make it once a year during Thanksgiving, but I’ve never looked for another recipe.
    I love reading how life is going for you and that at the end of every post you ask a question. Thanks for responding to comments. Yours is probably the only blog I still read.

    Here’s to 20 more!


    1. Anu- you have been such a solid reader through the years and I always, always enjoy hearing from you. Here's to the next however many years we'll get in this space.

      I also read very few blogs now. Many food blogs now are in such a different format- they are recipe sites and not blogs in the traditional (!) sense. Most of the bloggers I knew back in the day have moved on to Instagram or have quit blogging and moved on altogether. I probably have a lot of dead links to clean up on this blog from the early years!

  9. Hi Nupur 👋 happy 20th blogaversary! I've followed your blog since 2005 and it's everything !! Thank you 🥰 p.s: I've left a few comments on a few posts in the past but they've never made it 🤔 hopefully this does .

    1. Janani- hello and thank you for being there from the beginning! I'm sorry some comments get lost in cyberspace- I don't know why or how often that happens or how to fix it- ugh. Sorry! This one happily made it!

  10. You're one of the few OG bloggers I genuinely respect and follow diligently for your authenticity and unique voice. I'm glad that you continue to share your creative interests with readers. You've managed to stand your own which is certainly not easy in todays hyper curated food world. Congratulations and here's to many, many more years of One Hot Stove, Nupur!
    A devoted reader

    1. Thank you, dear reader! It is a crazy, hyper-curated food world out there, isn't it? I absolutely don't have the bandwidth to keep up with trends. If I can get dinner on the table, that will have to be good enough!

  11. Hi Nupur, This is Manali (I wonder if you remember me). Congratulations on two decades of food blogging. I have been reading it through the years. I really enjoy reading your recipes, and I have definitely tried a few. I also enjoy reading about a multitude of other things you write about and relate to them too. Best wishes to keep writing for many more !!

    1. Manali! Are you Manali J, my childhood friend? Of course I remember you and I'd love to reconnect. Thank you for reading me through the years.

    2. This is Manali from IITB

    3. Manali from IIT- I absolutely remember you! I'd heard you were leading a lab and doing great science. Thanks for reading the blog over the years- I had no idea you knew about it :)

  12. H many more to come i Nupur... Been a silent reader of your blog for a long time now.. I am glad you continue writing in the same style as earlier and not jumped of to insta and other such mediums.
    It is such a pleasure to read your musings and recipes. Thank you.
    Congratulations for the 20th anniversary and many more to come !

    1. Suv- Thank you so much! I am also glad to be here and writing in the same style, which seems to work for me. I hope Blogger blesses me with their free space for a long time to come ;)

  13. Congratulations Nupur on completing 20 years - have been following you since 2007 now ......the simplicity of your writing and the everyday things you touch are a joy to read keep going ....

    1. Thank you so much- I appreciate you sticking with the blog for all these years! Amazed at the readers who have been here since the early days.

  14. Congratulations Nupur. Wow, 20 years...that's something! I've been reading your blog since 2006, I think. In fact, you inspired me to start my own. Sadly, I did not have what it takes to sustain and have not written since 2014. I've tried many a recipe from you blog, and also turned to you for advice which you sweetly gave in response to my mail in distress (chocolate making). It was through your blog that I too pushed out of my comfor zone to participate in a few blogging events, that bloggers used to host back in the day, including 2 of yours (Blog Bites #2 and #3). Yours is truly a comfort that I will never give up on reading. Love and hugs... Maya

    1. Maya- Hugs back to you! So many people moved on to other projects, blogging for decades is not everyone's cup of tea, that's for sure. The blog events did push us out of our comfort zones- there are many techniques and ingredients that I tried and loved because of those fun events and challenges.

  15. Congratulations Nupur.. i discovered your blog in 2006 and have been following it ever since. I actually tried counting the years to if it has been actually that long.. thank you for all the recipes, the notes and your wisdom.

    1. Thank you! Ha ha believe it or not I actually counted the years too. It seems impossible that it has been that long. Just goes to show you how time flies.

  16. Yet another warm and wonderful post from you. I have never met you (yet) but your personality shines through, Nupur, and I do feel like you are an old friend. It's been lovely watching you "grow", get married, have kids, and I really enjoyed your tales about dear Dalu and Duncan.
    I do believe there is a great book waiting to come out of your A - Z of Marathi food series. Go for it!!
    All the very best and I look forward to many more years from One Hot Stove.

    1. Dear Kamini- I very much consider you an old friend! And look forward to meeting you in person sometime, somewhere. It is so true that many of my life milestones have been recorded here on the blog in the last two decades.

      Thank you for the constant support and encouragement- you are a GEM! And yes, I will put some thought into making that book project a reality.

  17. I think I’ve been reading your blog from the very beginning. Of course, in the beginning, I read a dozen other bloggers, but over the years, I think I’ve really only kept up with yours. It’s the honesty and simplicity of it that is a draw to me, and I feel a kind of kinship with you through your words. I think we had kids around the same time, I had gestational diabetes too, I also publish scientifically, my interest in sports and meditation peaked at the same time as yours (or seemed to me that way). My only request is, keep telling us your life story, I never just want the recipe. Thanks a ton for these 20 years and hope you keep this going for many more decades!

    1. Chira- Thank you for the nice note! How interesting that we have been leading parallel lives! Oh I don't think I am capable of ever just writing the recipe LOL, the stories will be here, like it or not.

  18. I have been reading your blog for close to 15 years now.. and I truly applaud you for always keeping it simple and meaningful. I always look forward to what new things you have tried and thats what keeps me coming back. In this world where every 3rd person wants to be a content creator( nothing wrong in it) and earn money from it (nothing wrong with that too) online spaces are more of a distraction rather than cosy spaces which give away knowledge generously. So i appreciate you continuing to write. Keep writing for next 20 years !
    - Suparna

    1. Hi Suparna- There is definitely an overwhelming amount of content out there. It is impossible to keep up with it all. Thanks for reading me over all these years! Let's see what the future brings.

  19. Congratulations, Nupur! Been a reader for so long now... I am so happy to get glimpses into your life and family and pets and books and TV shows and yes, recipes, too... You are one of the true OGs, keep writing.


    1. Lakshmi- Thanks for your readership and your always-thoughtful comments! I appreciate it, truly!

  20. Congrats Nupur. Your blog has been part of my life for the past 20 years too! I frequently revisit your old posts. Please keep them going!

    1. Thank you for staying with me all these years! I always mean to dust off and rewrite some of the old forgotten posts- maybe someday. It is fun to revisit them.

  21. Btw, I do periodically get "site not secure, Search form not secure, consider moving to https" kinds of messages sometimes on the site. Thought I'd let you know.


    1. I've noticed that with my search feature too :( And have tried getting rid of it, without success. I think it is a Chrome thing (I use Chrome too for a browser.)

  22. Congrats on 20 years of blogging - doing anything for that long is amazing! My top post has been the thanksgiving live blogging you did a few years ago.

    1. Vishakha, thanks for reading and for your comments- always appreciated! I did love that live blogging post- it was a fun experimental thing. Yes, indeed, sticking with anything for 20 years goes to show you how much I love it.

  23. How long have I been following? Well, the first thing I cooked was your "Q is for QUICK BHADANG" so at least that long. I was once in inspired by your "clean out challenge". And I loved participating in your spice gift exchanges.
    Congratulations and thank you for sharing 20 years of blogging!

    1. Angela- Thank you for being a cherished long-time reader! That A-Z series really cemented my love for blogging.

  24. Congratulations! I discovered your blog in the late 2000s as a graduate student in NYC myself. I remember going to Vegetarian Dim Sum House after reading about it on your blog. I followed you on your journey while your family grew (as did mine), and life went through various seasons, and settled on a very different rhythmn than in 2009. I am one of those people for whom your blog was a warm and comforting space. I liked that you offered inspiration that felt realistic and within reach (and still do). As some one who is struggling with fitness and health goals, I love that you earned a personal trainer certification, and find value in your 'moments of fitness' jottings. I look forward to continue reading your blog!

    - Radhika

    1. Radhika- Thanks! Oh how I miss the fantastic restaurant scene in NYC. It is just not the same here which spurs me to cook more at home, honestly. Life has gone through many seasons indeed. Thanks for reading!

  25. Congrats on 20 years! I remember when we met in 2007 at Campus Kitchen. You mentioned your blog and even then I was so impressed :) I've made so many of your dishes over the years - the green bean potato patties are a fave, and the gingery gingerbread. And okra, and eggplant, and rajma...the list goes on.
    Best wishes for the next 20 years!

    1. Bek- big hugs! Getting to know you was a highlight in STL and it was great catching up in person last summer. I so admire your career path and the good work you're doing! Oh those green patties are so good, I haven't made them in a while.

  26. Thank you for continuing to write this blog Nupur! I have enjoyed reading it since 2010 I think. And congratulations on making it to 20 years! It's no small feat!
    I am always amazed by your varied interests and energy in partaking in various community activities (I am thinking of your cookie exchange,cooking class, running events to name a few) and online activities ( reading challenges come to mind)...I remember I once participated in a gift exchange through your blog...I got a packet of nigella seeds( which I still have since I don't use them as often in my cooking) and shared a packet of kulith powder to make kulathache peethle( horsegram powder).
    I admire your zest for life and I think that is what brings me back to reading your blog again and again...I feel like wanting to check in every few weeks.
    Thank you again and I look forward to reading your blog for many more years to come.
    Btw- the recipe I look up most is crustless quiche and veggie biryani.

    1. Shilpa- Thank you so much! I have gotten (and still get) so much joy from the various projects and community things and challenges- all the little stuff that breaks up the routine. It doesn't take a lot to thrill me LOL. The crustless quiche and veg biryani are both in my dinner rotation off and on!

  27. Dear Nupur, I read this whole writeup teary eyed and that hasn't happened in a long, long time. Need I say more? -Bharathy

    1. Dear Bharathy- bigggg hugs to you! Thank you for your heartfelt support.

  28. Nupur, Congratulations on completing 20 years. I have been regular visitor since 2009! I love your blog. I really admire your passion for trying new recipes, stitching, love for reading and your fitness details. Best wishes to you and family. - Priya

    1. Priya- Thank you! I'm glad you like the mad mishmash of content here :D I appreciate the wishes so much.

  29. Congratulations on 20 years of blogging! Thank you for creating a warm and cozy place on the internet for all of us. We've loved watching your family grow, you taking on various projects, the love among your kids and pet. Thank you for giving us a peek into your life!

    1. Thank you for the nice note! It has been fun recording those ordinary tidbits of life, and all of a sudden you realize those little things were the big things.

  30. Congratulations! and thank you for sharing your thoughts and recipes with us. I've enjoyed reading your blog since 2006; it remains a warm and authentic place - an antithesis to the 'influncer' culture! Here's to 20 more years of 'One Hot Stove'!

    1. Thank you so much! You've been there since the very beginning. Yeah good thing I'm not an influencer, I'm over here trying to influence my two kids and they are having none of it ;)

  31. Hey Nupur, congratulations and happy 20th anniversary! what a milestone and so glad that you continue this blog! thank you 😊

    1. Thank you! I'm glad I continued too...there were breaks that could have become permanent but glad I always felt an urge to return to this space.

  32. Congratulations, Nupur! I make several of your recipes - your achari baingan is a favourite. What a lovely space you have created here. Long may it continue!

    1. Ammani- Thank you!! I haven't made that recipe in ages! I appreciate your good wishes ❤️

  33. Congratulations Nupur! What an amazing journey you went on by keeping at it.

    1. Thank you, ET! You know how much I love your blog too. It has been a journey indeed!

  34. Awesome Nupur, it is great to have been reading your blog since 2008! I think I commented once about growing a curry leaf plant when you posted about having one. And in the early years, I have scanned through many of your recipes, especially the amti ones were my favorites in those beginner cooking times. It has also been heartwarming to read about the kiddos and pets as the years go by. I am also awed by the craft and community activities that you do. I love that you are blogging ‘long-form’ for so long, as my sister told me last week that in this age of AI junk this is important, you have an immense corpus of self created work preceding the AI hype (that sentence does seem a bit generated!). - Fatima

    1. Dear Fatima- thank you for sticking with me over all these years! I do have my curry leaf plant (now there are two) since around 2006 and by some miracle there are still alive. (I am a notorious plant killer.)

      There is something to be said about old-fashioned content. I also wonder how AI slop will transform the internet- certainly not in a good way. Let's see what the future brings!

  35. Congratulations, Nupur! I just love reading your simple and from the heart writing and have tried few of your recipes with great success. I also follow the blogs you recommend and have enjoyed their recipes too. Amazed at your stamina and enthusiasm to blog, train, knit, cook, work, read, etc.

    1. Thanks, Meghana! I'm so glad some of the recipes have worked for you! The blog keeps me enthused to try new things :)

  36. Congratulations!!! I may have been reading this blog since 2005. I still dig up old recipes like the Pav Bhaji time and time again. Thank you for keeping it running! Love your not so glitzy (in a good way), true to the heart culinary perspectives. Hoping to read for another 2 decades!

    1. Sangeetha- Thanks! I very much appreciate your long-time readership and comments! Yeah, I definitely lean into my homely style and it has worked for me.

  37. Hi Nupur,
    Congratulations on this milestone! I may have been a reader of your blog since 2005, and I remember reading your blog while I was working in my first company right after graduation. It's been lovely following you over these years while travelling over 3 countries and it's been lovely "knowing" you. Enjoyed reading the recipes and knitting adventures as well as the book reviews (books which I might never read- as I'm no longer a big reader). Here's to the next 20!
    - J

    1. J- Thanks for being a long-time reader and thanks for this nice note! I too have kept this blog while moving from place to place...the book reviews have been invaluable for remembering what the heck I read ;)

  38. Congratulations Nupur, what a wonderful body of work! And thank you for your two decades of blogging. It truly has been a comfort to read.

    1. Rupa- thank you so much! It is funny how little posts add up over time.

  39. Take a bow Nupur ... it is a feat! Always been a fan. I started in 2008 but have not been able to be true to my blog the way you have been to yours. This post brought a wave of nostalgia. Congratulations and here's to many more posts on our amazing Onehotstove!

    1. Sharmila- Thanks :D It went by in a blink! Thanks for reading over the years, and yeah, over time I've tried and moved on from many projects so nothing wrong with blogging for a short time or intermittently. Writing this post made me nostalgic for sure.

  40. Gosh, I think I found your blog in 2006 or 2007 right after I married an Indian and started learning about Indian cuisine, in the heyday of food blogging. I loved reading your work and following along with your life. After several years, I stopped reading the blogs as much, but recently I wanted to go back and find all the people I used to follow. I was so delighted that you were still here writing, and I'm here again reading! Thank you for creating this space.

    1. Hi Kate- I'm so glad you found me again! Truly the heyday of food blogging was a fun time- I was glad to experience it. I do hope all the former bloggers are doing well and enjoying new adventures.

  41. Congratulations on 20 years of blogging. It is so amazing to have known you online for so long and never met you. There is so much I love about your blog - the learning, the joie de vivre, the interesting and fun food, your book reviews and your fitness tips. So much fascinating reading.

    I love your 20 things on this post and want to respond to them but it would take so long and instead I just wish I could sit down with you over a cool drink and some delicious baking and chat about blogging and how it has changed and the similarities in how we approach our blogging, and the differences too. But as that is not possible, I will just say thank you for all the warmth and insight and stimulation that you have brought me through your blogging. Long may it continue! Please!

    1. Johanna- Thank you and big hugs to you!! What a sweet note- you made me tear up. Thanks for reading the blog over the years.

      And you know how much I love your blogs- one of the few I follow any more. One day I'll show up in Aus (it is on my bucket list and my partner goes there for a conference often) and we can have a chin wag ❤️

    2. I love your comments on my blog as well as your blog - just wish i had time to respond to comments these days! Just let me know when you will be in Australia and I would love to share a meal and a catch up with you! I wish I could say I might arrive in USA some times but it is unlikely, and getting less and less with the current administration (or lack of)

  42. The first post I read of yours was 'pateta par eda' and I never left. It has been wonderful seeing your family grow through the posts. Please keep writing.

    (P.S. Can you write on mental health? Looking for wisdom from authentic people 😊)

    1. Thanks, Anon, for this sweet note! I do hope to keep writing!

      You're kind to ask, but I have zero qualifications to speak on mental health! There's mental health for people experiencing issues, and there's mental health for the average person. So far, I'm a member of the latter group, and maintaining mental health has been largely a matter of things that I talk about often on the blog- exercising (which benefits mental health just like it benefits physical health- actually you're giving me an idea for a future moment of fitness), having engaging hobbies, trying to meditate, and staying busy and involved with the community and my small circle of family and friends.

  43. Happy 20th Anniversary!! Your blog is one of my favorite. You have inspired me in so many ways, and I have used many of your recipes. Your list of 20 above has pushed me to get out of my comfort zone and become vulnerable, provide/create creativity and share it. The last part is the hardest. It has been a joy to see your growing family and new areas of interest. Thank you for allowing us a peek into your life and taking the time for this blog.

    1. Anjali- Thank you so much! What a kind note. I'm so glad you're here!

  44. Happy 20th. Birthday OHS! Wish you many, many more. You are amazing Nupur, to keep the blog going (and absolute quality work) with so much happening around you with work, kids, home... I, for one, am very glad I can come here to read and just feel happy.

    1. Manasi- You're definitely one of that cohort of old-time bloggers although I see you're more on IG now, sharing awesome photos and stories. Thank you for your sweet wishes and for coming by to visit!

  45. Hi Nupur,
    I stumbled upon your blog in 2010 when I was a new bride in the us and didn’t know any cooking. I remember your srilankan egg curry that tasted like the beach, the bachelor tasks, ragda pattice, pav bhaji and dal Makhani are all still stapes in my house 15 years later. I learnt to cook from your blog and am so grateful to have known you through your writing. I love your unique voice. Like you I’ve become more interested in fitness as I’ve grown older and more interested in eating higher protein food. I hope you’ll continue to write here for the next 20 years. I know I’ll be here to read.

    1. Hi Sowmya- I missed replying to this comment. Thank you for this sweet note! I am very touched that you learned to cook from this blog, as I did too, honestly, we all learned together. How interesting that we have parallel changes in our interests. Thank you for reading- it means the world!!

  46. I've been a reader of your blog since around 2010. I was a regular reader until a few years ago (I blame my Instagram addiction for it) but now I'm back to reading your posts.
    I'm in awe of your crafting skills and huge patience levels to cook as much as you do. I enjoy reading your book and movie recommendations too! In short, I'm a huge fan of the way you love your life. Congratulations on the 20th anniversary and here's wishing you many more.

    1. Aruna- Instagram is dazzling and addictive, I'll grant you that! Thank you for coming back and reading this blog :) I appreciate your kind note so much!

    2. I meant the way you live your life, though love makes sense too:)

  47. Congratulations Nupur! Loved your retrospection! I find your blog warm and simple and it is what draws me to it. I am not much of a food/cooking enthusiast but I love all the homemade cakes and favors you make for your kids. I was inspired to make the little boo-boo owl (the one you can use as a warm or cool pack) for my kids too. I can’t remember if it is from this blog or your other craft blog. Many thanks for the inspiration!

    1. Thank you for this sweet note! I do remember the boo-boo owl so well, we used it for years until it fell apart. The days of party favors are over for me- the kids are too grown now, but the cute bakes are pretty timeless. Thanks for reading!

  48. Congratulations!

  49. Happy 20th Nupur! I'm so proud that I was one of the earliest readers of One Hot Stove and continue to be a reader till date. I love the 20 things that you reflected on and really like the way your blog has co-evolved with your life. Here's to the next 20 years and more. I'll be reading your blog, for sure.

    Shoots :)

    1. Shoots- You've been with me all my adult life- big hugs to you!! Yes, it has been a fun 20 years. Let's see what the future brings!

  50. Hey Nupur - never commented before but I definitely have been visiting since atleast 2006! I was a fresh graduate then as well and now in my "adulthood" I feel like this blog is one of the few remnants from the simpler times. More power to you and all the best for the next 20 !!


Thanks for leaving a comment- I try to respond to every single one.