Wednesday, February 03, 2010

One Hot Stove Turns 5!

After V recovered from his seasonal cough and cold, it was my turn to have a bout of sickness and that's why I disappeared from this space for a while, spending quality time hacking away on the couch.

But enough about that. This is an exciting day for me, because this wee blog celebrates her fifth birthday today! And to celebrate the day, I wrote a suitably long-winded post.

How time flies...they grow up so fast, etc. etc. Trite as it might sound, it does seem like only yesterday that I tentatively wrote a post, then went on to be part of a thriving and blossoming food blogging community, wrote a few hundred more posts, hosted events, participated in events, took off on some projects and enjoyed many more ups than downs.

None of this is possible without the constant engagement with my dear readers, and for that, I thank you profusely. Thank you for the love and encouragement, the comments and e-mails and for making me and One Hot Stove a part of your lives.

In the coming year, you can expect to see more of the same on this blog: recipes that celebrate home-style Indian food, my attempts at trying to understand incredible India through her regional cuisine, baking experiments tested on hapless friends, jealously trying to recreate restaurant recipes, tasting new ingredients and learning something new every day.

A few non-food aspects of my life are occasionally tacked on the end of posts, and they seem to be of interest to some of you so I'm going to keep sharing them: pictures of Dale, the ol' mutt who occupies a large part of this little home (and my heart), my craft projects and what's residing on my bookshelf at the moment.

But I do want to go back and edit old posts to update recipes, re-write them in a neat, uniform format wherever necessary, and polish up the blog a little to make it more streamlined and user-friendly. This blog is a zero-budget, one-woman show and I have no training in web design, nor do I have friends or relatives who could help me with web design, so every improvement that I make is a painstaking process of trial and error. Please hang in there with me as I learn.

Part of my effort will go towards reworking, tweaking and standardizing old recipes as opposed to trying new ones all the times. Like this one that follows: I mentioned (in this old post) about trying and loving the rajma recipe from Gopium. Since then, I've made it about 25 times, and this week, I adapted it to be cooked entirely in the pressure cooker. It is easy if you have an immersion blender on hand:

One-Pot Pressure Cooker Rajma
(an adaptation of the rajma recipe from Gopium, makes 6-8 servings)

1. Soak 1.5 cups rajma (kidney beans) overnight in plenty of warm water. Before cooking, dump the beans into a colander and rinse them thoroughly.

2. In the body of a pressure cooker, heat 1 tbsp. oil and 1 tbsp. ghee. Add 2 large onions, sliced, and fry them until golden.

3. Stir in
3 cups tomato puree
2 tsp. paprika (or to taste)
1 tsp. red chilli powder (or to taste)
salt to taste

4. Fry the mixture well, then add 3 cups water. Using an immersion blender, carefully blend the mixture.

5. Add the rinsed, soaked kidney beans. Pressure cook until the beans are tender. Once the pressure drops, mash some of the beans to thicken the curry if necessary. Taste and adjust salt and spice. Serve with steamed rice.

 Fresh off the hooks 

I used a lot of colorful cotton yarn left over from other projects and made myself a set of 7 dishcloths- one for every day of the week. The pattern is here: Wavy Dishcloth. I start with a fresh clean one every morning, using it to swab counters and wipe spills all day. At the end of the day, I use it for one final task- to wipe down the sink- and throw it in the laundry hamper. So much better than using paper towels! And cotton gets softer and more absorbent the more you wash it.

 Currently Reading 
I started my "Pulitzer Prize Project 2010" (reading all the Pulitzer prize fiction winners from 1979-2009 during this year) to get out of my comfort zone and give myself a chance to read books from a variety of authors and subjects that I may not pick up otherwise. Already I am being rewarded. This week, I read Cormac McCarthy's The Road (Pulitzer '07)- a novel that is so off-beat, bleak and beautiful at the same time, haunting and memorable that I don't quite know what to say about it. The New York Times reviewer has more to say. This is a book I would never ever ever have started if not for this project. I highly recommend this book. It is not a light read but it is a short book and I was compelled to read it late into the night, put it away reluctantly for the night and wake up early to finish it. Just give it a chance even if post-apocalyptic fiction is not your thing (it sure isn't mine) :) 

On the other hand, I fully expected to love March by Geraldine Brooks (Pulitzer '06) but 20 pages into it, it was not engaging me at all. Life is too short (and books too numerous) to force myself to finish any one book, so I returned it to the library. Maybe I will give it another chance some other time. 

Now it is your turn: say something, anything :)
Ask a question, make a recipe request, share your suggestions about improving this blog, tell me about yourself, won't you?


  1. First.
    Happy budday, OHS! Good job, Nupur. Your passion for cooking is what brings me here every day.
    I'm currently reading Travels with Charley.


  2. Apparently i wasn't here first. Oh, well.


  3. Dear Nupur, Hi. I am still a beginner in front of you as I post my 100th post today. Heartiest congrats on turning 5 and wish you many more anniverasries. You have come a long way dear.
    I have announced an event today, would be very glad if you could join me.

  4. Happy 5th blog anniversary Nupur, time flies! More power to you my friend, enjoy! :))

  5. Congratulations dear Nupur and let me use this anniversary as an opportunity to thank you for your excellent work on this blog! Here's to many more tasty recipes :)

  6. Hi Nupur! :)

    Heartiest Congratulations on completing 5 years of this beautiful blog. I am a big fan of urs and I check ur blog every single day. I've tried numerous recipes from One Hot Stove and I keep coming back for more. I look forward to lots of new recipes and lovely posts from u. On days when u dont post I wonder if ur doing well and what ur cooking at ur home...I really miss u! Lots of love to Dale and my best wishes to u! You r the best! Keep up with the good work.

  7. Dear Nupur,

    Heartiest Congratulations on One Hot Stove completely 5 years.....
    It certainly is a very significant milestone...
    Yours was the first food blog that i read and first food blog that i started following...Also you were instrumental in turning my blog into food blog courtesy "7 days 7 recipe marathon"
    Thanks so much for the wonderful recipes and lovely clicks...sharing your awesome craft projects and the wonderful books that you read... and Love your style of writing....
    Request (if i may) authentic maharashtrian dessert(puranpolis or ukadiche modak)......i know they are too elaborate to make....anyways i would love to know your favourites in music, theatre and movies.....

  8. Congratulations for your 5th blog anniversary!


  9. Congrats dear Nupur. OHS is 5 !!! Big girl, eh ??? We love your blog and anything you put on it is much appreciated so bring it all on.

    Mail me if you need some help with the design.

  10. Sandhya- You were indeed the first- congratulations! :) I remember reading and enjoying Travels with Charley a few years ago.

    Pari- Congratulations on 100 posts, and the numbers will add up before you know it. I like the idea of your Combo event and I'll definitely try to participate.

    Asha- Thank you! Your blog has been one of the long-standing ones and it is great to know a prolific blogger like you.

    Laavanya- Thank you :) I've been drooling over your veggie burger!

    Priti- Thank you so much for the sweet words! It is one of my goals to blog more regularly this year, real life keeps getting in the way ;)

    Rujuta- Oh, yes, ukadiche modak and puran poli are quite elaborate and I tend to go with the quick and simple recipes! To tell you the truth, I am content to eat these delicacies once every few years, when someone else makes them :)

  11. Congratulations Nupur! Yours is one of the first blogs I look for on my feed reader, and therefore needless to say, one of my absolute favourites! Keep the recipes coming. Btw, I had Sukh Sagar pau bhaji this weekend and thought of you!

  12. Congratulations on your 5th bog birthday:)It is certainly a signifivant milestone... Looking forward to your delicious recipes...

  13. happy blog anniversary....your dish cloths are great...I use cotton cloths too..paper towels are lots of wastage

  14. Hearty congratulations to you Nupur for completing 5 years. I have always loved your blog. Love the simple home style recipes and other experiments too.
    Wish you many more years of happy blogging.

  15. Congratulations Nupur!I just celebrated my 5th at Pro Bono Baker. I'm happy to be in such good company!

  16. Your blog is always inviting with pics, updates on life and all other things. I try to participate in your events whenever possible and do enjoying being part of it all. Keep going Nupur! Love to you and the blog.

  17. Hi Nupur, Heartiest Congratulations on reaching this milestone ! May you celebrate many more :) Your blog was one of the first that got me hooked into the food blogging world and every post is informative and engaging ! I love to peek into your bookshelf because it gives me an opportunity to try something new to read ! Keep it up ..

    What can I say, that others haven't said earlier? Ur blog is an inspiration. Many of us have started blogging because of u!!!
    Will u host some events this year?I do hope u will ( and I hope I will participate in them! )
    Once again Congratulations and heres hoping I get a chance to wish u ever single year, for many years to come!
    Love to Dale!!! WOOF!

  19. Dear OHS,

    Happy Bday Dear :) 5 years means you have lived a momentous life in this blogging world! You are a BIG GIRL now :D
    I appreciate and congratulate you for this milestone, but importantly respect you for this brilliant journey; you are inspirational for many like ME. So here wishing you many more of such Birthdays and expecting many wonderful readings in coming years !!
    Thank you .. and Keep up the great work :)

    Kitchen Gossip aka Kanchan :P

  20. Congratulations, Nupur! One Hot Stove was the first food blog I ever read, and I remember really enjoying your A-Z of Marathi cooking series and trying out a lot of stuff from there. I also love that you are knitting, and may steal the 7-dishcloth idea from you.
    May there be many more anniversaries!

  21. Has it been 5 years really? Which means it's been 5 years too since I started reading food blogs, yours was the first food blog I discovered! I have had so many special moments which were a result of reading OHS - my first anniversary meal (which comprised your quesadillas and kulfi among other dishes), giving my nieces hand-made gifts, which were totally inspired by your yarncrafting skills, the numerous compliments I've received when I've tried to replicate your recipes for friends.

    You are such a conscientious eater that you inspire me to be more like you. Here's wishing OHS many more anniversaries.


  22. Dear Nupur,
    Congratulations. My favorite blog turns 5!! I am so happy. All the very best to you. I love your posts, I love your recipes and I love your writing style. As I wrote here before (probably many times!!), you and your blog was the inspiration for me to start my own little blog. You continue to inspire me every day.

    best wishes from the bottom of my heart to you and one hot stove!!

  23. Wow means WOW Nupur. 5 years in blogging...great Job done. Congrats on that. but you use those pretty little pieces of art as washcloth. Oh my God! they are so pretty and cute.

  24. Happy blogbirthday to OHS. Congrats Nupur for hitting the 5 year mark. Its not easy. Wishing you many more ahead.

    Congrats for the the best culnary post nomination at

  25. Happy 5th Birthday Dear OHS! I know how it feels, its like your little gal turning 5 :)
    Yours was the first blog I ever read Nupur, you would always be the one inspiring lot of cooks around the world to cook at home and enjoy the simple things of life - Love for fresh produce,fruits n vegetables, animals and pets, knitting, sharing with loved ones. I can go on and on.
    Your blog is amongst my all time favorites. Keep blogging Nupur!!

  26. Here's to many more Nupur. Don't have to tell you that your blog is one of the most cheerful, positive and to forget tasty blogs around. My day is richer whenever there is a post from you.

  27. Dear Nupur,
    Your blog is one of the few that I have continued to follow since I first discovered the world of food blogs a few years back. Thank you for your fantastic recipes (I have tried out at least a dozen of them over the years, BTW), and for the wonderful stories you share here. I *LOVE* your blog!

    Congratulations on completing 5 years, and here's to many more! :)

    Hope you are feeling better now.

  28. A very Happy 5th Birthday, OHS! Thanks to OHS, I have not just learned to make mouth-watering recipes, but also developed a greater appettite for reading books. I have devoured many books in your list with great enthusiasm, don't ever remember coming back from the library with so many books and in fact, actually finishing them ;-) I must mention that any connection to Kolhapur is just so precious to me, bc Kolhapur has a very special place in my heart. Thank you for the wonderful Maharashtrian recipes that bring me back good memories. Wish you many many more such milestone birthdays to come. All the very best!

  29. Nupur,
    congrats on this great achievement and really looking forward to many more years.Very few can stick to blogging regularly for years and yup you are one special ..Loved the dishcloth you made, so thoughtful of you, Ok I recycle old T-shirts for dishcloths..
    hugs and smiles

  30. Congrats on turning 5. looking forward to many more..

  31. Congratualtions! I enjoy your posts because they provide fodder for 3 of my main interests - cooking, knitting and reading! Keep up the good work!

  32. Congratulations on turning 5! May this blog have many many more years ahead...:)

  33. yay! Congratulations to you and your lovely blog!
    And hope you are feeling better!

    I've tried the gopium rajma recipe only once. I need to make it more often though- soo soo yummy!! I will try your version soon.

    I've been hearing so many good things about the Road- I'm going to have to put in on my book list too.
    Too bad 'March' wasn't that great.

    Oh- and I've been meaning to tell you- I'd love to see your 'books and Food' series back- I loved it! (I absolutely love reading descriptions of food in books, don't you?).

  34. Hi Nupur,
    Congratulations!! We have certainly enjoyed reading your blog ...and are hoping you will continue blogging in the years to come.... Yours was the very first blog i read along with mahanandi .I would like to have the recipe for Pitla -bhakri.
    Sometime back i also tried to ask you about a past recipe with the email me link but it was not working at that time ..dont know if it is working thats my suggestion.

  35. Happy 5th Birthday to OHS!!! May the light of OHS live long! :)

    Just yesterday I was wondering about you and your blog b'se your blog was silent for few days. So, i thought you must b busy with other stuffs of life or busy with book reading. :) and yaay! i'm reading your updates here! :)
    Well, your bowl of Rajma is simply nice and make me hungry! :)

    Love the dishcloth idea. So cute!:)

  36. Happy Birthday!!! Wow what an accomplishment- out of toddler hood- and into kindergarten ;)
    All the best on many more years to come!

  37. Congragulations Nupur on completing 5 years..I love to visit your blog and have tried many recipes from OHS..your blog has always inspired me to try different your craft work too...Hats off to you!!! Keep blogging and Happy cooking!!!

  38. Happy Burfi day!!! (as a birthday was once known by my younger sis), One Hot Stove. You have been my much needed inspiration to use my stove once in a while during my graduate school career. I hope I can take on some of the more complex recipes now that I've passed that phase of life :)

    Although I did not comment very regularly, I have been a constant reader since the A-Z series. Thank you for introducing me to the wonderful world of food bloggers.

    Like your Pultizer reading resolution, mine is to read at least four classics this year, along with the usual contemporary fiction.

    Much love to Dale!

  39. OMG- 1 hot stove is big gal huh? U re a treasure! Wish many more happy blogging Nupur :)

  40. Nupur, Congrats and wishing you many more.

  41. Congratulations Nupur, I immensely enjoy your posts as I love reading, food, and dogs(my daisy, she recently turned 16 human years 15 years and 8 months with us) as well. Your blog motivated me to start giving cooking demonstrations of Indian food and donating the proceeds to Tiger Widows of Sunderban. Here's to the next five.

  42. Congratulations Nupur upon 5 wonderful years and many more to come! Like many have said, your blog is the go-to place for me for so many great recipes. Your paav-bhaji, oatmeal, sabudana khichdi, only to name a few. Keep up the great work, and good luck to you in all your creative endeavors.

  43. Happy blog birthday, Nupur! Five years -- wow. I love the idea of going back to review and revise old posts. I keep promising that I will do that, too, but haven't yet found the time. You will inspire me!

  44. Heraty Congratulations on the 5th Blog B'day Nupur and wish you many many more to come. Those dish towels look perfect, clean & green.

  45. Nupur Wishing your blog a very happy bday. I know it is a huge wishing you great health, happiness and energy to do everything that you wanted to do in life including blogging.

  46. Happy 5th anniversary! I've only found your blog within the past year, but I've loved all of the information, recipies, and laughs that you've shared here. I look forward to many more years of reading, and cooking your recipes.

  47. Congratulations Nupur, and happy birthday to OHS! I can't quite believe I've been following you for 5 years! Time sure flies!

    OHS is a treat, and she gets better and better with age :-). Sometimes I go to your archievs and spend hours reading through your early posts- cherry on my treat!

    On reading- I just finished this book called Man in the Shadows by Efraim Halevy. He was ex-Mossad chief and it made for fascinating reading.

  48. Hearty Congrats Nupur, Wishing OHS many many more years of hearty blogging

  49. Nupur, I was reading this place since 4 years before I started my own blog. I still remember making my first black forest cake from u'e recipe. After that I have tried it several times but never go for anyother recipe. I love this place for its homeliness, its rustic yet lovable presentations. As far as ur'e plans to rewrite old recipes I have a request to say "No". Those old ones were precious and I always love rustic yet simple presentations ans as we grow we loose our innocence in any space...why loose that olden day beauties ? Wishing you many more years of blogging happiness!

  50. Happy Birthday One Hot Stove and congratulations dear Nupur! 5 years is indeed a long time and the fact that it has flown by so quickly shows just how much you enjoy this passion - it is incredible! I have not blogged in a long time and OHS is one the very few blogs I read these days. During these 5 years, I think you have inspired many to cook, enjoy and appreciate this art and probably inspired many to start writing about food as well. So, kudos to you and may OHS have a long, long life!

    Looking forward to more stories, wisdom, recipes, crafts and yes, tales of Dale!


  51. vow....what a post..and fabulous 5 yrs of blogging.(almost my son's age..he turns 5 in May!)Love every post and every recipe you post. Recently tried the falafel and tahini sauce recipe from your post..the sauce was amazing ..will post them on my blog soon...hope we meet some day! maybe ur next visit to India??you can go to kolhapur via Nasik ..:) congrats and best wishes..may you have many more....:)

  52. Hi Nupur,

    Firstly heartly congratulations on being a Mum of 5 year old. Unlike real babies, I hope this one was a smooth ride :) .

    Even though i am one of those cooks who just read cook books and drool over them, more than actually actioning! your blogs are a delight and pull me strongly. Your blogs also helped me become a better Kolhapuri daughter in law :)

    Anyways, Channel 4 (UK TV channel) currently sponsored an India Winter season, which spoke about India and its different delights. One part of it was Celebrity Chef's Gordon Ramsay escapades to sought out unknown India cuisine, and the experience took him to remote part of Nagaland,Assam on the east to Coimbatore in the south. If you get a chance have a look online at this( 4OD ). You might see something you will like :)

    And all the best on the books. NOw that is one thing I KNOW :)

  53. congratulations - 5 years is impressive - I sometimes wonder about organising old posts especially some of the older ones when I was even more clueless about blogging

    and re March - I was given a copy of the book - I started it a few times and finally got into it after not being impressed - once I got going I absolutely loved it - so hope you will pick it up again and love it eventually

  54. 5 years of blogging is quite an accomplishment! Happy blog birthday.

  55. Congratulations, Nupur!
    I have no idea how I stumbled upon your blog, but, it is one of my top favorite discoveries in the online world. I hope that one day our paths will cross in the real world, there is so much to like and admire about you. I think the number of comments you have received for this post says it all!
    Getting to "know" Dale is the icing on the cake! Do update us on him regularly, reading about him and seeing his pictures make my day.
    All the best, and may One Hot Stove see many, many more anniversaries!

  56. Congratulations on a Fabulous Fifth Anniversary, One Hot Stove! True, all of us, including me have loved and enjoyed the blogging, recipes, projects and of course Dale-isms! I applaud you for investing your time and effort in making this blog fun and interesting as ever! Looking forward for many more years to come!!!

  57. Shilpa- Oh you ate the "real deal" sukh sagar! I am so jealous :D

    Rachana Kothari- Thanks!

    Trendsetters- yes, I keep paper towels on hand for a few really yucky spills but one roll lasts for months.

    Shilpa- Thank you, and thanks for your blog, it is a prime source of inspiration for me!

    gemma- That is so cool! I'm going to stop by and congratulate you there!

    Anjali- I hope to host a couple more events this year, and I sure hope you'll participate!

    Chhaya- Thank you! If you find interesting books, do share them with us too.

    Manasi- Thanks for being such a regular supporter! I certainly hope to host more events this year, got any ideas?? :) Dale says woof right back at ya!

    Kanchan- I know, I feel like a BIG GIRL :D Thanks for all the kind words!

    Desiknitter- Do please steal the dishcloth idea, having colorful dishcloths really brightens the kitchen! Thanks for stopping by!

    Mamatha- What a nice thing to say! I can say the same thing- there are those who inspire me and contribute so much to my life, so it is just a big circle! Thank you for always being there with a kind word and a thoughful comment.

  58. Meera- Thank you so much, and I can't tell you how often I stop by your blog for fantastic one of a kind recipes that I can't find anywhere else. Your contributions are just remarkable!

    Sayantani- LOL it is very kind of you to call these simple dishcloths "art" but truth is, they work very well, and when they wear out, it is easy enough to make more!

    jayasree- Thank you! Oh those nominations look interesting (did not know about them), I'll have to take a closer look later.

    Ashwini- Aww, thank you! Yes, I do enjoy the simple things in life the most :) I have my eye on so many recipes from your blog, and hope to try them soon!

    indosungod- Thank you! And the feeling is so mutual, I feel so much richer for reading your musing and thought provoking posts!

    TBC- I'm so glad some of the recipes you tried worked for you :) and thank you for all your support over the years!
    I'm still trying to shake off a persistent cold, but feeling so much better than last week, thanks for asking :)

    Rashmi- So glad to know that you are reading more, it gets more addictive the more you read, right? I feel empty if I don't have a book to read for at least a few minutes every day. I barely make it to Kolhapur once every few years these days...sigh.

  59. Jaya- That's a good use for old T-shirts!! Thanks for the kind words :)

    Madhu- Thanks!

    subha- Glad to know we share these interests! :) If you ever come across interesting books/patterns/recipes, feel free to share them on this space.

    Smita- Thank you so much!

    Lavanya- Thank you, my dear, your lovely comments always make my day! Oh, the Books and Food series was fun to write, thanks for reminding me, I'll try and keep it in mind as I pick up new books this year. Yes, I absolutely adore food descriptions in books :)

    Roshni- I do have a pithale recipe. Here is it
    As for bhakri, that is something that needs skill/practice and good-quality fresh jowar flour, neither of which I have access to at the moment!

    Sonia- Yes, occasionally the days get busy, and I am making simple recipes or things that I have made before (not "blog worthy") hence the lack of posts :)

  60. Jennifer- I know, I feel that way, going to preschool got to learn to write better ;) Thanks for your wishes!

    Tejaswini- Thank you so much!

    Swati- Hey, burfi day sounds more delicious than birthday! Thanks for taking the time to give me your feedback- appreciate it. Reading classics is a lovely goal! Dale is giving you a hug back :)

    Cham- I know, big gal, have to start behaving myself now ;)

    Sreelu- Thanks so much, am enjoying your 365 series!

    bulbul- Wow, that's incredible! It made my day to know of your cooking demonstrations, what a cool way to share your skills and do some fundraising at the same time. And Daisy, 16 yrs oh my, how wonderful that she is enjoying a long life, no doubt it is because of her loving caring family.

    Soniya- I'm glad some of the recipes worked for you! Thanks for the feedback and for your wishes :)

    Lydia- I am saying it now, but let's see if I find the time :)Thanks for the wishes!

    Pavani- Thank you, and yours is one of the inspiring blogs that I've read for a long time!

    Koki- Thank you so much, that's a very sweet and important wish, to have the health and energy to do everything one wishes to do in life!

  61. Alde- Thank you very much!

    Shvetha- Time does fly, and how! Thank you for saying that the blog is getting better with age, I hope my writing skills improve bit by bit :D
    Man in the Shadows sounds very interesting, and a genre that I haven't read much of, will look for it. Thanks for sharing.

    Curry leaf- Thank you!

  62. Nirmala- Oh, I totally know what you are saying about the innocence of earlier posts, and no, please don't worry, I won't change the writing or remove any old recipes! I just want to write them in a way that is easier to understand. With so many recipes, I've improved them a little over the years so I'll just add updated recipes to the old posts without taking anything away. Thank you for your wishes :)

    Roopa- Thank you so much for your sweet words! I hope to keep bringing you glimpses from my life and hope you will find time to start blogging again too :)

    Madhuli- Oh, I absolutely hope we meet in person, I would love to visit Nasik! I don't think I have ever been there (at least not in recent years). I haven't made falafel in ages, glad the recipe worked for you.

    Arati- Oh, like you, I read and drool over much more food than I actually end up cooking :D
    Thanks for mentioning the TV show, I'll have to look at it, it sounds very interesting although that chef Ramsay makes me want to throw saucepans at his head with his arrogance! :D

    Johanna GGG- LOL yes, I was clueless about blogging and probably still am to a large extent, but my earlier posts are ridiculously dumb :D I keep them here for old time's sake!
    Thanks for sharing that bit about March, looks like I will have to find a few quiet days and give that book another chance.

    Lisa- Thank you!

    Kamini- Thank you so much for saying that, and for stopping by here and sending so much love my way and Dale's way! I sincerely hope we meet some day in real life. Get on a plane and come see me in St. Louis ;)

    Namita- Thank you, my dear, for always being there with something kind and nice to say! I appreciate your wishes!

  63. Congrats Nupur..Hitting 5th year without any interruption is infact a gr8 task dear..wish u many more blog anniversaries..

  64. Hey Nupur,
    Congrats on turning 5! Thats a long time and lots of posts. I wish you enthusiasm raised to n for the years to come!


  65. Congratulations Nupur! I love the way you write and ofcourse enjoy your recipes. Thanks for all the postings, keep them coming! (:-)

  66. Congratulations! Happy happy bithday "OHS". ;).
    Nupur: I don't think you need to have any more knowledge of web design. Your posts are always wonderfully written, your pictures beautiful and most of all your style is very engaging.

    Best wishes.

  67. Happy Birthday to my favoritest blog and kudos to my favoritest blogger :) One Hot Stove is the first place on the web I turn to everytime I am looking for a tried, tested, healthy recipe... innovative or traditional you have all of it here! Thank you and best wishes for many more of such landmark anniversaries!

  68. Congratulations for completing 5 years! Your blog is one of the first food blogs I noticed back in the days and has provided very valuable information.

    Looking forward to new recipes and knitting and Dale's updates :) Keep up the good work!

  69. five years...awesome......congratulations again....lovely and delicious them

  70. Dear Nupur,

    I am currently dating a Marathi boy and I have learned how to cook authentic Maharastrian food from your blog! One Sunday morning I goggled Misal and guess who got the first hit! Yup, it was One Hot Stove. Anyway, I started exploring other entries in your blog and I must say you have not only inspired me to cook Indian food, but also start blogging! Time is an essence in graduate school but maybe one day I might start blogging. Happy five year anniversary and keep cooking and definitely, keep blogging.


  71. Congratulations for the 5th Anniversary of your blog Nupur!!!!

  72. Congratulations Nupur !
    I absolutely love your blog. I try most of your recipes and then all hv turned out very well.

    Thanks !

  73. Hey Nupur

    Happy Anniversary for your blog and hope to see 10th soon !!!you have a wonderful space and dishes here...
    i've started a my blog just month age, actually today is 1 month..

    if you can visit me and keep blogging..


  74. congratulations,.;-) and ya keep up the good work of sharing,..

  75. Quite the milestone, Nupur. Congratulations!

    Thanks to you I now crochet! I finally completed my first 'usable' project - I made a small version of Inga's bag - and love it!

    The dish cloths are very pretty - I could never use them - I hesitate to use the coasters I made!

    The book project is very inspiring as well.

    Keep going!

  76. Congratulations Nupur and One hot stove for turning 5! You know, I just love coming back here again and again for your warm writings, all of your crafts (just love them!), the reading lists and saving the best for last, yummy delicious recipes! Keep it going, Nupur, you are doing excellent.

    I absolutely love your PP project.. looking forward to more book reviews.. very interesting to read about The Road, I haven't picked it up coz I am not a fan of apocalyptic reads either, your review now is making me pick this up soon.


  78. Nupur, congratulations! May there be many more anniversaries. I am really impressed that you are able to juggle so many things in your life and still do a remarkable job in each - job, blog, knitting, reading and so on. You go girl!

  79. Happy birthday One Hot Stove! Nupur, you and your blog have brought so much joy into my life - thank you!

  80. I still remember when I discovered your blog, back in the days when you were cooking in a tiny kitchen in New York. I have been charmed with it ever since, and even more so since I was able to meet you and see in person just how wonderful you are! All my best wishes for many more years of blogging (with plenty of time off for crocheting or reading or just plain having fun as well.)

    And now that I have a newly remodeled house with plenty of room for guests, you have an open invitation to come and visit Utah if you ever get the urge. I don't know if you and V have traveled in the West, but Utah is truly beautiful. And I am 100% serious about this; I would love it if you took me up on it sometime.

  81. Hi Nupur,
    congratulations on Turning 5!! I have been visting your site since december of last year. I have tried some of receipes, which came our really well. Keep up the good work.


  82. Happy 5th birthday to OHS! Nupur, I love this blog and check it almost every day to see if there is a new recipe. I love the way you write your posts. I have tried many recipes in the past and they have turned out quite well. Looking forward to reading many more interesting posts from you.


  83. Hey Nupur ...

    Iam currently reading John Grisham's "The Associate". It is very engaging. I just love it. I finished David Baldacci's "The Christmas Train" which was very good. I love this new project of yours and I will see if I can pick those books at my library.

  84. Congrats on 5 years of blogging!!
    ur's was one of the blogs that I had come across when I was searching for recipes on the internet.

  85. Pratibha- Oh there were several blogging breaks, in fact, but I am happy I was able to come back after each break!

    Fazela- Thanks so much, yes, it is enthusiasm that makes the world go round :)

    Meghana- Thank you very much!

    Suganthi- Thank you for saying that, but I know this site is due for a facelift!

    Shweta- How sweet of you to say that!

    Mints!- Thank you so much, and I equally look forward to reading each of your posts.

  86. Rizwana- Thanks!

    Sharan- Thanks so much for introducing yourself! I'm so glad you are enjoying the blog.

    Cooking Foodie- Thanks!

    Khaugiri- Thank you :)

    Suparna- I'm so glad to hear that!

    Jagruti- Congratulations on your new blog!

    notyet100- Thanks

    Anita- How fun that you are crocheting, and Inga's bag is one of my favorite patterns, do you have a pic of yours? I love using the things I have made :) Thanks for stopping by!

    PJ- Thank you so much! I know what you mean, the apocalypse books (and even more, the movies) really turn me off, but The Road was really different somehow. I'm enjoying the book recommendations on your blog too!

    neeta raut- Thank you, and I sure would love to visit Denver someday, I know it is a beautiful place!

    Ashwini- Not a remarkable job or anything, just trying to fit in everything I love into my life!

    Cathy- And you are my inspiration for everything, the blog and the knitting!

    Kalyn- Aww, thank you so much for the warm invitation. Your home is so beautiful, and it been such fun to see the renovation take shape via your blog updates. And I sure hope you visit St. Louis again, and you absolutely have an open invitation to my humble home too!

    Priya- Thank you!

    Deepa- Thank you so much!

    BDSN- Thanks for sharing your book recommendations, I'll look for them!

    Mayuri- Thanks!

  87. I love ur blog and ur absolute passion and energy certainly come throughly clearly.....GREAT recipe...

  88. Congratulations Nupur. Your blog was one of the first ones I started reading. Stories on Dale and how you guys got him is my favorite post, apart from the recipes.

  89. Happy Birthday to One Hot Stove. Congrats Nupur and many more to come. You place is indeed a delightful mood uplifting and delightful spot.

  90. Hi Nupur,
    Congratulations on completing 5 years of blogging. It's quite an achievement. I found your blog a couple months back and have been reading it whenever I get time. I started my blog just a couple of months back, so it's still an infant :) I must say you are an inspiration for newbies like us to keep writing. 5 years is a long time. I will read your earlier posts as I get time. I simply love your writing style. This is the first time I am posting a comment on any blog. I too am a dog lover. I have a 13 yr old dog back in India ever since he was born and I miss him badly. Dale's expressions remind me of him. Dale is such a cutie. Lots of love to Dale, & for you Keep up the good work!

  91. Hi Nupur

    Have been reading your very interesting and informative blogs off and on after I was introduced to it by a colleague and friend. We both are quite amazed at your multiple talents and wonder how you find the time and motivation for all your different projects. If only we could get ourselves to do 1/4th of that!!

    You sure do have an interesting way with words! So congratulations on that as well.

    Wanted to know if you know of a tried and tested Bengali recipe for bhapa dahi (steamed curds) - had it at a friends place recently and loved its rich creamy texture. Although I am sure I can find some recipe through google...thot I'd check with you...since you give details on recipes step by step.

    Do let me know. And way to go girl...keep up the blogging so we can enjoy more of it.

  92. Congratulations Nupur! It is great to see that you have not only been an inspiration for me to write about food and recipes, but to so many others. I have been following this blog for about 4 years now, but hardly comment. Love your recipes and your writing. Keep Blogging :)


  93. Congratulations on three years - I have enjoyed every single post of yours Nupur - thank you so much for this space!

  94. s- Thank you!

    ruchikacooks- Thank you, and I hope to keep posting more of Dale's antics here :)

    Soma- Thank you! Yours is one of the newer blogs that I am enjoying so much.

    Amruta- Thank you :) Aww, I can just imagine how much you miss your dog in India!

    Jai- How nice of you to say all that! As for the bhapa doi, it is not something I have ever made, although it is on my list to things to try. I have my eye on Sandeepa's recipe (her recipes always work for me):

    Bala- Thanks for your wishes, and for taking the time to leave a comment!

    Miri- Thank you for saying that, and I have to say that I look forward to every post of yours too!

  95. Congratulations to you on your blog completing 5 years. Your blog marries great recipes to a simple and elegant writing style and in addition to holy cow by Vaishali is one of the handful of foodblogs that I look forward to reading. I look forward to reading many more excellent recipes written with your sure touch. One of these days I hope to shrug off my laziness and start a food blog of my own. There, I have finally given in writing my resolve to do so after years of putting it off! Congratulations and heres to years more of delicious recipes.

  96. Dear Nupur, many congratulations on turning 5. I can honestly say I might never have considered blogging about food had I not run into your blog. Here's hoping for many more years of inspiration from you!

  97. Best wishes on five years, Nupur! At almost three, I am inspired by your longevity to keep going even when I don't feel like it at times.
    Please give Dale a big hug and kiss for me. : }

  98. Congratulations Nupur, and wishes for many more years. I can still remember my first event RCI: Maha and the enthusiasm that brought in..

  99. Congrats on the 5-yr mark Nupur..sorry for my late wishes..have been crazy busy with work last few days so now catching up with all the posts..anywho, love-love-love ur blog, keep going and keep posting tons of lovely recipes!Bestest wishes :)

  100. Congrats Nupur!OMG,How did I miss this?Happy birthday to your blog!Your blog has been so inspirational to me.To many more fun-filled years of blogging...

  101. Enjoy reading your recipes, Dale-tale, ur spectacular knits and perfectly worded, sensible posts! U sure inspire many of us! Wishing OHS n You many many more, Congrats on turning 5!

  102. OHS - 5th birthday! Yayyyy! Congratulations!

  103. Happy birthday - I love your blog!

    My only request/hope/improvement would be to be able to go back to leaving just our names with comments instead of name plus url or name plus account (I don't have a url or google account), or worse the unfriendly "anonymous" option. I'd like to leave just my name...
    (- Diane, frequently responding as anonymous)

  104. Jay- Thank you very much for your kind words and wishes!

    Vaishali- Well, all I can say is that I am really really glad you started your blog, because your blog is a gem and a unique resource for vegan food with Indian flair! I'm glad we are able to inspire each other, which is just the way it should be :)

    Susan- Thank you! I certainly go through blog slumps, and then I just take a break for a few months and come back rejuvenated.
    Dale wants to give you a sloppy kiss back :)

    Srivalli- Thank you so much, yes, the RCI: Maharashtra was a really fun event for me too!

    Vinaya- Thank you so much for your sweet wishes :)

    susvaad- Thank you very much!

    Purnima- Thank you for saying that, I sure appreciate your wishes!

    Cynthia- Thank you, yes, YAY for blogs!

    Diane- Thank you! Addressing your commenting request, there is a quick solution: in the name/URL fields, the URL is optional, which means you can just fill out your name and leave the URL field blank. Give it a try, I hope it works.
    Yes, I love knowing names instead of the "anonymous" comments, so I hope more people who don't have URLs will just leave their names this way.

  105. Congratulations Nupur on OHS's 5th anniversary! Cheers and here's to many more such milestones in coming years. You know what I was thinking today - that you should kick start your A-Z series again. Surely times have changed and the idea is very creative & innovative. I hope you give this a thought. Thanks for your sweet wishes on my blog.


  106. Siri- Thank you, my dear! Ooh, another A-Z?? :D I will definitely give it a thought and try and come up with some themes.

  107. It would be very unfair of me to not leave a comment on your blog's 5th birthday. I must shamefully admit that I've been reading your blogspot for 3 years now - bookmarking your recipes, sticking them on my refrigerator, actually making them, enjoying reviews from my husband - the subject of all my cooking experiments, sharing your recipes with my friends and a whole lot more and not left a single 'Thank you'. Now, that was a full confession - well, almost!!
    I'm a Christian and my husband is a Maharashtrian and a connoisseur of taste (whereas, I believe I was born without taste buds), and I never routinely cooked before coming to the US. That was a perfect recipe for disaster! Finding your blog made it easier, as I can now make the wonderful Maharashtrian food.
    Nupur, your blogspot never fails to inspire. You have a very charming, delectable style of writing - weaving your way around the recipe, bringing back good old memories of childhood, Mumbai and ofcourse, food. Often I read your blog just for the joy of reading and not for the recipe itself. I also like the way you prod your readers to think about things other than food as well. Keep up the good work, Nupur and a big “Thank you”! And, I promise I’ll be writing to you more.

    Sharon Fanse

  108. YesteгԀay, while I ѡas at work, my siser stole my apple ipad andd testeⅾ to see if it can survive a thirty fߋot drop, just ѕo she can be a youtube sensation.
    My iPad is now broken and she һas 83 views. I кnow thіs is completely off topic but I had
    to share it with someone!

  109. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


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